Zoë Watt

Speech Language Pathologist in Victoria, BC.


Zoë’s personal pronouns are “she/her”.

Zoë is certified by Speech-Language Audiology Canada (SAC) and is licensed by and is a registrant of the College of Speech and Hearing Professionals of British Columbia. She holds a bachelors degree of speech-language pathology from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland and a masters of education in Inclusive Practice from the Open University (UK).

Her experience includes working with children who benefit from therapy to meet speech & language milestones, to those with complex communication needs who may rely on augmentative or alternative communication systems.

Starting with the child’s strengths, and presuming competence, Zoë responds to the concerns of the family. This collaboration identifies shared goals so therapy fits with and meets each child and families unique needs.

Zoë moved to BC from the UK in 2006 and worked in Prince George for ten years before moving to Victoria.

Speech-Language Pathology Services

  • Assessment & Therapy

    Children’s Communication Development

    early intervention therapy for :

    speech sound difficulties

    language milestone delays

    understanding and talking with words and sentences, language skills for children during their pre-school & early school years

  • Special Interest

    Complex Children’s Communication Development

    design and implementation of Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

    support for families to use AAC, including PODD, communication apps, TouchChat, Proloquo2Go, TD Snap & programs on dedicated communication devices and/or eye-gaze technology

  • Consults

    Autistic Children’s Communication Development

    service provider on the Registry of Autism Service Providers (RASP)

    strengths-based functional assessment

    neuro-diversity affirming practices

    total communication approach including DIRFloortime® SCERTS®Model

Zoë Watt, RSLP

Talk to Me Speech & Language Consulting

Collaborating with families and supporting communication growth for all children.